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Folklore | Magick and Witchcraft
Akelarre, the sabbath field of the Basque witches

Akelarre (from the Basque words aker: “billy goat” and larre: “moorland”), resulting “field of the billy goat,” evokes images of nocturnal gatherings where witches (sorginak) convene to engage in magical rites and commune with supernatural forces. It’s a place from Basque mythology. Sorginzelaia is also another term used to refer to the witches’ field.…
Secret Rites & Societies
Abakua – the backgrounds of Cuba’s secret fraternity

Abakua (Abakuá) or Abakwa, sometimes called Ñáñigo, is an Afro-Cuban men’s initiatory fraternity or secret society, which originated from centuries old fraternal associations in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon, where the organization was known as the Leopard Society. (Not to be confused with the north eastern Congolese Leopard Men…

The necessity of letting go and forgiving to achieve self-realization; getting entangled in the desperate need to make things right at all costs, which leads to overshadowing of inner life and downfall; the source of income that acts as both a blessing and a curse.

Nemrut Dagi is a stony Hungaria asteroid and Mars-grazer estimated approximately 3.5 km in diameter, although the Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link calculates a larger diameter of 5.3 kilometers based on an absolute magnitude of 13.8. Nemrut Dagi was discovered on May 13, 1971 by the Dutch astronomer couple Ingrid and Cornelis van Houten at Leiden, on photographic plates taken by Dutch–American astronomer Tom Gehrels at Palomar Observatory in California, United States. The asteroid has a rotation period of 3.28 hours, a likely spheroidal shape, and a high albedo typically seen among the enstatite-rich E-type asteroids.

In 2012, it was named after the dormant volcano Nemrut (Nemrut Dağı) in Turkey. It is the most western volcano of a group of volcanoes near Lake Van in Eastern Anatolia. This volcano was named after King Nimrod who is said to have ruled this area in about 2100 BC. The asteroid's name was proposed by German astronomer Joachim Schubart, and its official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 6 April 2012.

Astrologically Nemrut Dagi is very complex. This asteroid can disrupt the balance between self-realization on one hand and work/income obligations on the other. The flow of money and associated activities upon which one depends or believes to depend can act as a curse. This curse is linked to sacrificing one's own life dream too much and wanting to rectify some injustice at all costs, whether legally or otherwise. The summary is a form of unconscious self-sabotage. The worrying and the maniacal Virgo traits of pettiness, addiction to criticism, and wanting to magnify every detail must be let go, as well as childhood trauma (as a source of underlying anger or frustration), which becomes a fatal factor here due to the conjunction of Pluto with Black Moon/(asteroid) Lilith/Patrocles-Menoetius in Virgo. The North Nodes in Aquarius indicate that one must give oneself more space and shift or break boundaries to turn the detrimental desire for freedom or liberation into genuine freedom. Forgiveness (discovery Nemrut Dagi in Libra sextile Jupiter/Neptune in Sagittarius) is crucial in this process. The major obstacle here is Eris conjunct Machiavelli and Chiron opposite 2001 SQ73, square 1999 RA215 and trine Rhadamantus/Makemake. This cluster turns the desperate need to rectify something into an obsession and blind spot, which can lead to inflicting fatal and chronic injustice upon oneself. The end does not justify the means.

Forensically, Nemrut Dagi presides over trauma-based misplaced violence by the Israeli army and violence against First Nation Americans. Additionally, there is, of course, the geographical reference to the dead volcano Nemrut Dagi.

The orbital period is 2 years and 194 days.
Astrology | Vamzzz Publications | Benjamin Adamah
Outer Main Belt Asteroids: Trojans, Hilda, Cybele

The fourth volume in our series on asteroid astrology, Outer Main Belt Asteroids – Trojans, Hilda, Cybele catalogs 104 astrological interpretations of the Trojans, Hilda-Asteroids, Cybele-Asteroids and related objects. Most of these bodies orbit in the outer region of the main-belt or, like the Jupiter-Trojans, in the orbit of Jupiter itself. Their orbital periods are, on average, two or three times longer than those in the central or inner main-belt. Therefore, their impact during transits is more intense.

In addition to asteroids from the above families, Thule asteroids are covered, as well as several interesting anomalous objects such as Venus co-orbitals and strange objects in the orbit of Neptune. Like its predecessors, this book provides thorough and comprehensive information for incorporating asteroids into your astrological practice.

A taboo-breaking example is the case of the…
Feurige Männer – Burning ghosts in German and Alpine folklore

Especially in South Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, there is a unique type of phantom known as “Feurige Männer,” “Feurputzen,” or “Feurmänner.” These entities are typically the spirits of men who, during their lifetimes, disregarded the boundaries of their neighbors’ fields by relocating border stones or engaging in other actions. As a consequence, they are…
Gloson, also known as Gloso or Gravson (Gravsoen in Denmark) is a southern Swedish folklore phantom-animal in the shape of a pig or a wild boar. It used to appear during the 12 days of Christmas (25 December - 6 January). Gloson is related to the classical field-demons, like the Roggensau (Rye-sow) in Germany, or the Sauzagel. To insure a good harvest people offered her gruel and fish, so that she would not harm anyone. Once the harvest had been brought in, three blades of wheat were left in the field and the harvester spoke: “These are for Gloson; one for Christmas Night, one for the night of New Year and one for King’s Night.” (King’s night is better known as Epiphany, or Theophany; the night of January 5th into the morning of January 6th).

Gloson (“gloso” in indefinite form) comes from glo, to stare or to glow, and so, a sow. It was said to have glowing eyes and a wonderful “snyte” (snout) with large tusks and/or fangs and a sharp saw-toothed back and run between people’s legs and thus crack them open. A Gloson travelled through the sky as a flame, its bristles shooting sparks. According to Claude Lecouteux in Phantom Armies of the Night (1999) Gloson was sometimes interpreted as the specter of a murdered child that was never buried, or as a supernatural guardian of a church like the Kirkegrim. Gloson was also known as Gluffsuggan, Galoppso or Gluppso (Galloping sow) because it was galloping through the sky – relating it to animals that partook in the so called Wild Hunt. In Blekinge, it was said that Saint Thomas comes on December 21, or Christmas, armed with a powerful sword and riding Gloussi (Glosso) to rid the land of Trolls.

Folklore | Magick and Witchcraft
Walpurgis Night

Walpurgis Night is the night connecting the 30th of April to the 1st of May. This traditional feast mingles Saint Walpurgis with the arrival of Spring and what was supposed the most important witches sabbat of the year and in modern Wicca tradition it also conjoins with the revival of Beltane. Walpurgis Night or…
Magick and Witchcraft
The witches of Benevento and their walnut tree Sabbath or Treguenda

As famous as Zugarramurdi, for its history of witchcraft in Spain, Benevento is best known as the Italian ‘Town of the Witches’. Even today this place breathes the magic of ancient times.

When the Romans conquered the area in the 3rd c. B.C. they changed its original name Maleventum (meaning “bad event”) into…
3.2.1 De erfenis van Zoroaster en de creatie van het ‘onvolmaakte wereld-concept’
Ongeveer 26 eeuwen geleden werd er een blauwdruk opgesteld voor een antivitalistische machtsgrit, waar we nu nog steeds last van hebben en die, vanwege haar recente fusering met financialisering, industriële monopolisering, digitalisering en mediacratie, planeet en samenleving aan de rand van de afgrond hebben gebracht. 26 Eeuwen geleden werd het contact met het goddelijke, bureaucratisch geconfisqueerd door ‘het Systeem’ en ontstond er een specifieke klasse van priesters en andere religieuze leiders – zoals de latere pausen – die zich via staatsleugens, verpakt in officiële religieuze geschriften, een exclusieve ‘spirituele’ status en machtspositie toe-eigenden, middels wettelijk beschermd religieus terrorisme. Het accepteren van deze bedreiging staat in woordenboeken bekend als ‘vroomheid’, ‘godsvrezendheid’, etc. Het niet accepteren van religieus terrorisme kennen we als ‘ketterij’.

[...] Voordat 26 eeuwen geleden met het zoroastrisme het monotheïstische, patriarchale geloofssysteem ontstaat, dat zich daarna uitbreidt als een olievlek, vonden we – enkele uitzonderingen daargelaten – over de hele planeet met de natuur vervlochten systemen. Hierin vormde samenleving, natuur, religie en magie een organisch en bezield geheel, in plaats van een steriele bureaucratische administratie, die allergisch is voor het natuurlijke, bezielde en magische. De oude spiritualiteit was animistisch, panpsychistisch en pantheïstisch.

pagina 98-100
Demonology and Devil-Lore

Demonology and Devil-Lore 1 & 2 were both published in 1897. Within the demonology scope, this rare and mostly forgotten, almost 1000 pages thick masterpiece, remains unsurpassed in quality and completeness. Even in the 21st century the works offer fascinating missing links for both the academic and student of occult traditions. Author Moncure Daniel…
In Russian, the word Wurdulac (Russian: вурдалак) first appeared in the early 19th century, and it became common due to Alexander Pushkin’s 1836 poem of the same name, which was part of the Songs of the Western Slavs-cycle. It is the corrupted form of the West Slavic word “Volkodlak” (Russian: волкодлак), which literally means “wolf’s-coat” or “wolf’s-hide” (i.e., it designates someone “wearing” a wolf’s skin; a Werewolf). The meaning of the term Wurdulac, however, also spelled Wurdalak or Verdilak, took on a more autonomous position as a special kind of “Russian Vampire” that must consume the blood of its loved ones and convert its entire family. This notion is apparently based on Alexey K. Tolstoy’s novella The Family of the Vourdalak, which tells the story of one such Slavic (actually, Serbian) family. In Russia the common name for Vampire (or Wurdulac) is Upyr (Russian: упырь). Nowadays the three terms are regarded as synonymous, but in 19th century they were seen as separate, though similar entities.

(page 226)
